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This is the first game I ever showed to Hasbro and the inventor relations represenataive, Mike Hirtle, said he’d take it on the spot! It’s a tween girls game that is a scavenger hunt with magazines. Four magazines came in the box and the players use them for three different challenges. One challenge has everyone race to find one thing, like sunglasses. In another challenge, player race to be the first to find the 3 items on their cards. And the last challenge embodies what girls do with magazines — they browse! Girls spend a specific amount of time looking for the best example of something — like the hottest guy or the worst hairstyle. Girls could also add their own magazines to the game so they always have new and trendy pictures!
• Ultimate Toy Awards Nominee in Games and Puzzles Category, 2004
• Parenting Magazine “Toys of the Year” Choice, 2004